Applied Linguistics; Second Language Acquisition; Language Teaching Methodology; Spanish in the United States; curriculum development
B.A. in Hispanic Philology (Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid)
M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language (Bowling Green State University, Ohio)
Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics - Emphasis: Second Language Acquisition (Univ of California, Davis)
Dr. Marqués-Pascual is the Language Program Director for Spanish and Portuguese. She oversees the Elementary and Intermediate Spanish and Portuguese sequences, Advanced Grammar and Composition, and the Heritage Speakers Program. Her research interests focus on curriculum development and instructional improvement, second language learning in study abroad settings, second language lexical development, and Spanish as a heritage language. Apart from directing the language program, she also teaches upper division courses and graduate seminars. She is curently the Director of the interdisciplinary Applied Linguistics Emphasis at UC Santa Barbara.
Checa-García, I.& Marqués-Pascual, L. (2023) Current Perspectives on Spanish Lexical Development. Edited volume in the SOLA (Studies on Language Acquisition) published by Gruyter de Mouton.
Marqués-Pascual, L. & Checa-García, I. (2023). Lexical development in Study Abroad: Heritage Speakers and L2 learners. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education.
Marqués-Pascual, L. (2021). The impact of study abroad on Spanish heritage learners’ writing development. In Pozzi, R., Quan, T. & Escalante, C. Heritage Speakers of Spanish and Study Abroad. New York (NY): Routledge.
Marqués-Pascual, L. (2020). Los hablantes de español como lengua de herencia en los programas de estudios en el extranjero. in P. Taboada-de-Zúñiga Romero & R. Barros Romero (Eds.), Perfiles, factores y contextos en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de ELE/EL2. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Santiago de Compostela University Press.
Marqués-Pascual, L. & Cortijo Ocaña, A. (2019). Second and Third Language Acquisition in Catalan-speaking Regions. Juan de la Cuesta: Hispanic Monographs.
Academic Coordinator of Language Courses:
SPAN 1, 2, 3 – Elementary Spanish
SPAN W1, W2, W3 - Online Elementary Spanish
SPAN 4, 5, 6 – Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 25 – Advanced Grammar and Composition
SPAN 15, 16A, 16B – Spanish for Heritage Speakers/Learners
PORT 1, 2, 3 – Elementary Portuguese
PORT 4, 5, 6 – Intermediate Portuguese
PORT 16A, 16B – Portuguese for Speakers of Romance Languages
SPAN 151A, 151B, 151C - Catalan Language and Civilization
Courses taught:
SPAN 8A/B – Spanish conversation
SPAN 15 - Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Learners
SPAN 100 – Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 104 - Heritage Language Teaching
SPAN 109 – Spanish in the United States
SPAN 114B – Spanish Syntax and Morphology
SPAN 186 – Spanish Applied Linguistics
SPAN 147 – Business Spanish
Graduate seminars taught:
SPAN 290 – Foreign Language Teaching Methodology
SPAN 594 – Theories in Second Language Acquisition
SPAN 299 - Heritage Language Teaching