Caragh holds a BA in Modern Languages and Cultures (Spanish) and Latin American Studies from Pace University (2012), a MA in Hispanic Literature (2018) and a PhD in Hispanic Literature with a Translation Studies Emphasis from UC Santa Barbara (2023). Caragh has seven years of experience teaching Spanish language courses at UCSB in addition to four years of experience assisting other literature, translation, and cultural courses. Her research interests include translation and its intersections with fiction, gender, class, emotion, and cognition. In addition to her teaching and research, Caragh is also a translator from Spanish and Portuguese. Her most recent translations have appeared in Latin American Literature Today and Virada.
SPAN 1, 2, 3 - Elementary Spanish
SPAN 4, 5, 6 - Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 25 - Advanced Grammar and Composition
SPAN W1, W2, W3 - Online Elementary Spanish